Earrings For Women

women wearing earrings

An earring is jewelry placed on the earlobe, generally attached to or fixed through a hole made in the earlobe. This is the piece of jewelry that is initially noticed when dealing with a person. This bit of jewelry embellishes the ear and enhances the femininity of a woman. They are put on by both genders but to a lesser degree by man. They provide the completion to beauty and make a fashion statement.

History of earrings

who invented earrings

People from nearly all cultures have confidence on wearing earrings at a very young age. In many cultures, ears are pierced right after the baby is born. This jewelry has never been the prerogative of women alone, as men wore them in years of yore and now put them on as a trend. They are becoming a unisex bit of jewelry. These days the fashion of wearing many earrings together is common.

It is considered that earrings go as far back as nearly 3000 BC where they began in Asia and came out in two types, one being the simple hoop earring and the other the more detailed pendant earring.

The most ancient earrings ever found by archaeologists were unearthed in royal graves in Iraq and date back to approximately 2500 BC. Gold, silver and bronze hoop earrings seemed to be located going back to 2000 BC in Crete. In those times it was usual to bury jewelry with the dead.

In the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt, a form of earring referred to as an earplug became trendy and these fitted neatly into a full stretched hole in the earlobe. This kind of piercing can be viewed on the statue of Tutankhamen.

Hardship in the Dark ages resulted in a lost use of gold and silver although some goldsmiths conserved designs that were to later emerge in 7th century Greece. The most used earrings were the pendant type, and they often included a bird or similarities of the gods Eros and Nike.

Through the 17th century, earrings started to be a quite stylish addition for the well-dressed women throughout the entire Europe. Probably the most well-known forms of those times were the very large heavy pendant kind earrings referred to as girandoles which were great favorite types of Queen Victoria. Those earrings needed a lot of silver and gold and gemstones and so were very heavy, which resulted in many people that put on them dealt with elongated earlobes.

Even though earrings were often used by prosperous people all over the ages, they were also loved by poorer people who implemented their designs that have been less sophisticated and created from cheaper components.

It wasn’t until the last century that earrings were changed. Various fittings came out, for example, screw and clip on in addition to those for pierced ears and it, in addition, took over as the standard for women to wear earrings in the day and not simply for special events.

The 1960’s marked a huge switch for the wearing of earrings when styles became entirely unrestrained, and it became usual to see men also wearing earrings though most only wear one earring. Women began to pull together earrings and with so many styles offered the options were countless.

Earrings advice

which earrings suit me

Seek out creative ways to increase value to your handmade jewelry. Rather than utilizing a cardboard earring holder, you can provide earrings that are mounted on a handmade birthday or Mother’s Day card or a necklace that boxed in a vintage seed packet. Finding ways to encourage gifting of your wares, can prove to be the deciding factor for your money flow.

To get use out of an earring after one-half of a pair is lost, utilize it as a brooch. Many earrings are often put on just like a brooch can, and can make a great accent piece. Try pinning the earring to a scarf or attaching it to your top slightly below the collar bone. A more refined earring is a great way to accent a purse or a belt.


In case you have extra beads remaining after a jewelry project, utilize them to create a pair of earrings. Earrings are usually less time-intensive than other jewelry options, and you may not require as much material to complete them. An easy option is to thread bicone crystals and small seed beads, alternating the various types, and then attaching the ends of the thread to an earring finding.

Preserve the texture, tone, and color of your turquoise jewelry by exercising the most care in storing and cleaning each earring, ring, and necklace. Although turquoise often highlights inherent surface imperfections, failure to cleanse it gently can impact the color of the stone. Wipe the stone, then dry it with a soft cloth. Do not use soap or chemicals on the stone.

If you are undertaking a job interview process, you must check out the amount and design for jewelry you happen to be wearing. You do not want to do it over and risk to not get the job as your appearance is not feasible for the workplace. Stay with one earring in each ear, one necklace, one bracelet and one ring.